Element index for package phpBelBios
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- __construct
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::__construct()
- __construct
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::__construct()
Creates a new instance of Tixway. Provide a tixway username and passord. Additional default parameters (such as a default city_id) vcan be provided.
- build_url
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::build_url()
Builds a query URL from the base url. Optionally adds ports and other HTTP url options.
- call_url
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::call_url()
Calls the URL and returns the data from the query
- do_call
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::do_call()
Creates the complete URL, calls that, and parses the resulting XML.
- get_all_movies_in_cinemas
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_all_movies_in_cinemas()
- get_all_movies_in_cities
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_all_movies_in_cities()
- get_all_performances_for_movies
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_all_performances_for_movies()
- get_all_performances_in_cinemas
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_all_performances_in_cinemas()
- get_default_parameters
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::get_default_parameters()
Returns required, default parameters
- get_normalized_http_url
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::get_normalized_http_url()
Parses the http_url and rebuilds it into scheme://host/path with an option al port
- get_parameter
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::get_parameter()
Returns a single parameter
- get_parameters
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::get_parameters()
Returns all parameters
- get_single_cinema
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_single_cinema()
- get_single_movie
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayQuery::get_single_movie()
- parse_xml
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::parse_xml()
Parses the XML using SimpleXML and puts theresulting records in an array for easier handling.
- phpbelbios.inc
- procedural page phpbelbios.inc
- query_fields
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayData::query_fields()
Returns fields that affect the query results. In addition to required fields such as type, username etceteras
- ras_error
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayData::ras_error()
- result_fields
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayData::result_fields()
Returns fields that can be included in the resultset.
- result_fields_classes
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method TixwayData::result_fields_classes()
Returns fields that can be included in the resultset, grouped by purpose. + These resemble the fields that will be returned when querying for one of these items. E.g. all fields under 'movie' will be returned when requesting any list of movies.
- set_parameter
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::set_parameter()
Adds a parameter to the set of parameters
- set_parameters
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::set_parameters()
Adds a range of parameters to the set of parameters
- Tixway
- in file phpbelbios.inc, class Tixway
Tixway is the main class for PHP Belbios.
- TixwayData
- in file phpbelbios.inc, class TixwayData
Data container. Holds data such as query-able fields, fields that can be used for filtering and error codes.
- TixwayQuery
- in file phpbelbios.inc, class TixwayQuery
TixwayQuery is used to query information in the Tixway webservice.
- TixwayTransaction
- in file phpbelbios.inc, class TixwayTransaction
TixwayTransaction allows one to do a transaction, such as a reservation in the tixway database.
- TixwayUtil
- in file phpbelbios.inc, class TixwayUtil
General Utility Class, contains methods such as RFC3986 urlen-/decoding
- to_postdata
- in file phpbelbios.inc, method Tixway::to_postdata()
builds the data one would send in a POST request